Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS): El Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) permite a ciertas personas nacidas en el extranjero en los Estados Unidos recibir protección temporal contra la deportación y permiso para trabajar. Esta Protección Temporal se otorga cuando el país de origen de la persona está experimentando dificultades o conflictos que hacen que el regreso sea insostenible o una amenaza directa al bienestar y seguridad de esa persona. El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional designa qué países califican para el TPS, el período por el cual se otorga la protección y las fechas y procedimientos para solicitarla. Nuestros abogados pueden evaluar su caso para determinar si califica para esta protección y también pueden ayudarlo a renovar su estatus.
Filing A Petition For Temporary Protected Status (TPS)
When conditions in a country deteriorate to the point where it’s not safe to live there anymore, the United States offers refuge through a nonimmigrant visa called Temporary Protected Status (TPS). Our immigration attorneys have helped thousands of clients throughout the U.S. file for the necessary immigration petitions and protections necessary to remain safely in the United States.
What Is Temporary Protected Status?
The United States Citizenship And Immigration Services (USCIS) allows for TPS when there are conditions in the foreign national’s home country that will not allow them to safely return to it. The USCIS keeps an ongoing list of countries that are currently designated for TPS. TPS may be granted for events like:
- Ongoing war or armed conflicts
- Environmental disasters
- Other extraordinary conditions
Under TPS, foreign nationals may not be deported and do not have to face a removal proceeding. They are allowed to secure employment in the United States and may even be authorized to travel outside the U.S.
Does TPS Allow For An Opportunity To Apply For A Green Card?
TPS does not allow you to apply for lawful permanent resident (LPR) status (green card). However, you are able to apply for other available nonimmigrant statuses. In the event that another nonimmigrant status may apply, those who have been granted TSP may apply and file a petition for an adjustment of status. Political asylum is another likely option for a foreign national who is currently in the country under TPS.
Contact Our Immigration Lawyers Today
Our experienced immigration lawyers are available for consultations in person, over the phone, or via videoconferencing online. To schedule your appointment, call our office at (561)-619-7130 or send an email using the form on our website. We accept credit cards for consultation appointments. Se habla español.